Saturday, April 2, 2011

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I wrote down to the ...

... and the Central Statistical Office, I am now officially Silesian. Unfortunately, they got only basic version, because the answer to a supplementary question, only 20% of the population. A pity, but on the other hand, if all called to ask all these questions about religion, travel time to work, etc.. it would probably be next year and not wyrobili. In any event, I wrote down the web-( ) and you also to encourage you. Alternatively, you can do this by phone or wait for some pretty rachmistrzkę / handsome the calculator (You like). JJA has preferred not to risk a meeting with some Godziilą.
these have for some time after the ride
tracks as
Silesian Silesian Railways: D
In general it sit on the train to Silesia and I made a few observations. The first is essentially that Poland is beautiful from the windows of the train. I could go and go forever (although it is 11 hours per week - twice the 5.5 - I completely suffice). These forests, meadows, and sometimes charming ignition (my station is the undisputed leader Garbatka - maybe not too majtkowy color elevations, but the font, which will inform the name of the station - something beautiful: D) and coming to life the world (only when all of a sudden this travel three times I've seen a pheasant, a few deer, two rabbits and a buzzard). As for the railway infrastructure is an interesting thing I noticed - stations east of the Silesia always have a platform with one track is near the station building (in the sense that it can come directly from the train onto the platform.) I'm trying to remember have you ever seen such a solution in Silesia. I probably only happened once, in Kietrz (but those stations have already closed.) And maybe in Raciborz, but I am not sure. But I also noticed during this trip mania burning of fields and meadows. No greater folly is hard to fall (though the other hand, human creativity knows no bounds - in both directions.) I refuse. Rubbish. Coming in, I could not not be aware of garbage for a period longer than 10 seconds. Shit and porn! And no matter whether the human settlement or deep in the woods - trash This piece of junk and wala everywhere: - /
And while we got to the keyboard may have small manifest regarding my esteemed College MISH at KUL. The reason for the existence of an avalanche takowego is that yesterday a small pebble with Vera G. rozpętaliśmy line Institute of Economics - MISH. Well, as a result of differences in program went to the professor. Zita bring the application and explain the situation. I will spare the entire coating (Complicated? To ask five minutes, five minutes: D) came to that: Institute of Economics had concept that has a contract with Misha, do not know the minimum that students should realize MISH to be able to defend ourselves, we have from Vera, in principle two months to pass the lecture and exercises of the foundations of econometrics (and this is not an easy and enjoyable subject.) Therefore, I appeal to the College: Roasting ass! And it falls on our laurels, then you are what kind of great and fantastic, I have set up MISH, but about the rest of the formalities may be worried about the students. The teacher does not know what it is MISH how we treat and what to do with us. Maintaining good relations with filologiami and philosophy is good, but then what to push and sign agreements with other institutes? Explaining that the Institute of Economics never had time for a meeting is not convincing. We had to suffer for so long until it is time for it to be interested and determined. Or, cancel. I think on this, to somehow propagate MISH: whether it is among the secondary students, but do not forget about the college! Send to researchers who may be tutors (ie, doctors and over) some information about MISH, the idea that direction. And do not sit in the Dragon's Cave! Well, it's a little wyżyłem: D

Well, I'm just in Dąbrowa. In a moment (after dzin and Sosnowiec) Silesia! \u0026lt;3


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