Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saddle Right Pad Reviews


Author: Helmut Newton

Author: Helmut Newton

Author: Alice Springs

Author: Alice Springs, Model: Helmut Newton, Legs: Helmut Newton :-)

Alice Springs (June Newton) & Helmut Newton & Alice Springs Camera ;-)
Post Today we devote an exceptional pair of photographers, which appears in every textbook on precursors of fashion photography. Of course we are talking about the country Newton: Helmut and June. There will be no surprise if we add that met with .... Stock (yes, we know a bit misuse that word, but in the end it fotostory ;-).
Helmut is a native of Germany, from an early age knew he wanted to stand behind the lens, while his wife, June (Australian origin) dreamed of theatrical stage. In the 40s', namówiona the colleague came to the studio in Melbourne, posing unknown emigrantowi of Nazi Germany (see Helmut ;-). Sitting in the waiting admired the artist's works on display, which it totally charmed. Even then she knew she will be a great fashion photographer. The victim Helmut June personal charm, which in addition to physical assets laugh to tears :-). Here's what Newton said years later: "It was a very different affair than the previous one. As with all the other girls just about fucking. And it was a different story. " Sharp, disarming and sincere .... cute, huh? : D. To sum up, the wedding took in 1948, and June has become the largest rock artist. All the time believed in him and understand his ambitions. He often said that photography is a completely non-profit activity, and that will biedować. She had a different opinion and are not mistaken! Her husband became a leading fashion photographer! Models even killed for sessions at the Newton! Agree to all his whims (many images presents the recognition sadomasochistic ;-). He worked for Vogue, and his style described as "porno chic." However, his favorite model was his wife, he photographed NIUESTANNIE! In the bathroom with the mask, a nude cleaning service, or watering the flowers ... It's called private paparazzi: D She has not remained indifferent. Thus repaid, and then chose the camera that accompanied them at home and at work. One day in the 70's, when I lived in London, Helmut woke up with a terrible flu and could not carry out the ordered images. Then June, suggested that it replace, eventually accompanied him at work for many years .... Helmut, trusted loved one, told how to use the equipment and lights. The session went to the British campaign (!!), a message Helmut talented wife has spread at lightning speed! She began to receive numerous orders! Nevertheless decided to take the stage name so as not to compete with the unprecedented talents of her husband. During the meeting, with friends, one of the invited guests opened the atlas of Australia and blindfolded drawing pin pointed in Alice Springs - "here's your nickname June". It is widely accepted: D Alice Springs has been recognized through photos for the campaign salon Jean Louis David, okładkom Marie Claire and Elle. However, her best works are portraits. Helmut left the fashion world ;-). This romantic story has a tragic ending, however, because Newton died in 2004 as a result of an automobile accident. There is no doubt that they were a matched pair of amazing, which divided their passions, but also faced up to everyday life, including numerous diseases. It's called real photostory!

Jaworzyna Silesia & Krynica Morska (our new "pineskowe 'nickname: D)


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