Three years and 8 days
silence fell on the blog so I finally have something to write. As beautifully and bluntly described in the commentary of Fantasy Lab you have to return to the empire. On the anniversary is a good start note, late by 8 days. At the moment, my army consists of the following models
- Balthasar Gelt (Level 2)
- Kurt Helborg (level 2 +)
- Karl Frans (not exactly glued backing)
- Valten, Chosen by Sigmar ( level 2 +)
- Valten, Exalted by Sigmar (begun painting)
Lord / Heroes
- Battle Standard Bearer (level 2 +)
- Capitan with GW (level 2 +)
- Capitan with handgun (primer)
- Capitan F / M (plastic kit, level 2)
- 4 mage (3x 2 + levels, a primer)
- Elector Count (primer)
- 4x Master Engineer (level 2 2 +, 2 clear)
- Warior Priest 3x (3 x level 2 +)
- General on Griffon (level 2 +)
- War altar (painting begun minimlnie subsumed)
Gamezone - Capitan (primer)
- Warior Priest (Level 2 +)
- Archmage (level 2)
Core - 40 Swordmen (20 Level 1, 20 primer)
- 20 halberdiers (20 level 2)
- 22 crossbowman (12 Level 2, 10 level 1)
- 22 handgun (15, level 2, 3, level 1, 4 primer)
- 26 Knights (8 Level 2, 8 started painting, 10 primer)
- 12 archers (1 level 1, 6 primer, 5 blank)
- 25 Greatswords (25 level 2)
- 6 Pistoleciarzy (primer)
- 6 Outriderów (5 Level 1, a primer)
- 4 Great Cannon / Mortar (3 level 2 machines, one machine in the backing support level 2 8 x 4 x Mix) Rare
- 2 Helblaster (2, level 2, level 2 support 1x, 3 x Level 1, 2 x Mix)
- 3 Steam Tank (2 painted - Level 2 +, a pure)
- Gigant (primer)
- 5 Ogre (primer)
I even have a nice foo in Exelu where I calculated how many models I have painted what level - Although I do not want to update it: D so the view remains the recourse to the army staged in its entirety on my desk.
Heh, not very encouraging. After 3 years of fun I have painted about half of the models ... or wait I have four years of fun (I still buy a few models) ... hold out?
And finally, an unexpected guest who appeared during the tabling of the army into the chest
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