Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gucci Outlet- Monterey

to Settle hobbit

In one of our first entries zaprezentowałyśmy house sexiest vampire of all time, at least in the opinion of 99.9% of U.S. teens, Edward Cullen, better known as Edward Pattinson: P. Today we present a villa, which should appear in the four parts of The Lord of the Rings, entitled "20 years later", where the famous hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who saved the world from destruction, invests his salary in a luxurious villa :-). Well, they say, whether this underground house is not more advanced version of the hacienda hobbits from the Shire? Contrary to appearances, was not designed for a film ...

Two architects Bjarne Mastenbroek Dutch and Swiss Christian Muller, have created an underground house which is built into the hillside near the Swiss Alps in the village of Vals. We hypothesize they wanted to have the original base for ski trips :-) pomieściłaby two-level residence the entire team, with skis and luggage, including! Inside are four bedrooms, spacious living room with mountain views, kitchen and bathroom. Total - 1.3 thousand. square feet! It is a "but" ... As befits the Catacombs: P, daylight is only in the living room (glass front). With such a surface candle does not come into play, because the house has its own power generator :-). Gentlemen, think of everything! Their inventiveness and creativity are of course appreciated - Hailed as the best private villa home in a contest Wallpaper Design Awards 2011 (do not know whether the jury hobbits :-)).

NOTE: The villa is for sale! Interestingly, the case functions as a hotel :-). 3.5 thousand. euro per week in season and 1.5 thousand. euros for a seven-day stay outside the winter season. Were you at this year's skiing? Looking for accommodation? : D


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