Friday, January 21, 2011

Birtday Party Invitation Wordings Cars

Wind of changes. Change 2

Yeap! It happened. Moving completed. How do I now return to Lu, it is no longer the Konstantynów, the Raven. Jadym on Poreba, at Sapphire. The tip of the Czubach, which is hewn on the Poreba;) Welcome to my modest thresholds. Change is good. And that's not the end of the change;)

Recently I started to wonder about whether the language has a more descriptive function or perfomatywną. And if I ever agreed with Rome, '(...) that what we call a rose, under a different name would smell as' to last much more inclined k'temu that language indeed creates our world and rose to not smelled as if it bore a different name. Because I like the man he is, everyone sees, but depending on whether we call it 'our' or 'ichnim' will be for us to someone else. And maybe it's objectively a man does not change, however we can not look objectively at the reality, but from our perspective, right?

The longer I sit in Krakow and Katowice in the class, the more you 'odpozytywizuję' and provided a year ago my admiration for legal positivism is not governed by the discussion (for the uninitiated: positivism in the law presumes that the law is only what has been established in legal acts that exists independently of morality, judges are the 'mouths of Law', etc. .- it is so in a nutshell), and indeed throughout the continental legal tradition, so now I see big advantages of the Anglo-Saxons. Maybe I'm still in favor of juries and permanent precedents, but I've definitely optowałbym the increased use of negotiation, mediation and arbitration in the event of a dispute, and not the courts jerks. Or maybe just to go in that direction?

Latest often go by train to and Silesia. I always like morning I drive through Katowice, Chorzów, Świętochłowice, Ruda Slaska, Zabrze impresses me the sight familoków and houses near the track. It's dark, so do not see any dirt. But you can see for this magic light. Street, which gives the streets or slightly dark character (when no one is), or the impression of a small world, beyond which there is nothing else, where the focus is different people, different behavior as the focus of the lens. Or holiday colors of the windows of buildings. Green, yellow, white, blue, red, muted, warm, cold, glaring creating an incredible mosaic of colors, textures, effects. And the world, even the smallest suddenly becomes a magical, magical, fascinating.

Ah! and everything went back to the first meeting of the RAS, near Gliwice. In terms of attendance cite classic "was not crazy, 'but I think it will be fine. The groups 'stereotype Silesians' was only Mr. Alexander, who zastosowałby baaardzo radical method of fighting for autonomy (see ETA;]), but President Circle warned that "the wheel does not have adequate finances." And then the same young guys. Maybe the atmosphere at some point be made such that I felt like a Pole under occupation or in a meeting before the bank robbery, but very nice. Nobody likes a marshal, you and I do not I hate it. Few missed a'd go to a congress in March, RAS (but unfortunately, I stopped the lawyers from Lublin. Well, never mind - I feel that will happen, and I like it: D


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