Act I
In the first place
zjawiłżech up. This is what my eyes saw may submit (on a scale from one to Kanciapy) worth 1.5 Kanciapy brothel. We had to take responsibility for it. It was then that I myself made the decision: CLEANING YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY! If at this point was there with me, someone who knows what u mean to me "cleaning totalitarian" (7 days cleaning one room) he would have me away from this idea trying to pull the oxen (or not-who knows?). But it happened! , I have made the first step-what belongs to the essence kanciapy began to expand to areas poazkanciapiane-read the corridor in the catacombs Then came
Act II
moment in which loneliness in the network (cables, cobwebs, securities and other shit) was broken. Here he came to the rescue: Robinson Co. His Piętaszka Socket Busting! So Matthew
;) brought their accessories and to cast their role: coach. Selekcjonował papers and images (the end of dreams, I used to be a fight to the auction of my "Kiwi something she ate a swan") , this time I took up the windows with my companion-Ajax Wszechmogcym. I just passed 1 and 59 minutes-godzina2
Kanciapa evicted, in the course of selection, clean windows, so we needed someone-alone self-government Martin
But as everyone knows, the Three Musketeers expanded its membership-and we could not otherwise
Act IV
- d'Artagnan, who sponge and Louis (no XIV and XVI) can work wonders - Wash it clean (yes, yes, to clean-I also believe it could not, but I checked!).
I wash-wash everything! During this time the Almighty Ajax wash everything unfit for washing and Cilit Podrywający flirting with a sink (unfortunately rejected these advances cham-but d'Artagnan explained me that this type of order is xD). Passed a minute and 59 minute-hour 3 - d'Artagnan, who sponge and Louis (no XIV and XVI) can work wonders - Wash it clean (yes, yes, to clean-I also believe it could not, but I checked!).
It is time for decision-manifestation of desires, desires, phobias, ideas, ideas which man has himself to defy the world suddenly turned into a three-headed dragon eating its intellect, will and emotions (well, okay, I wanted to write even one sentence-wise to know, did not work out: P).
furniture had to return from exile. And here came the problem-how to set them. Along or across? Side by side or in a creative mess? Two desks side by side or two shelves? Where to give the computer where the printer, where a kettle, a toaster where?
It seems the little things for the ordinary mortal, but not for the Fantastic 4, which had to deal with problems lokalowym, comfort and MISHów MISH, to make it all easier to sustain and 100 other variables, and each must take into account that live better. All xD
Act VI
sanitary-epidemiological team allowed to run kanciapy Monday from 6:00 am, but I ordered a pair of protective clauses to introduce the further development of purity and happiness kanciapianego. But it's the President-to leave his land:]
known as Sile take responsibility for cleaning up, it's like tick tick boom will be clean. Finally, where as where, but in Silesia, one must be able- Finally the dust mine xD
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