Thursday, November 27, 2008

Professional Insurance Tax Deductible

Dogs / Puppies. Thanks for

I've finished gift for Kigabet . I'll show it only when it gets longer Kigabet so as not to spoil the surprise:):). I still have to buy antyramkę which I lack.
I began to embroider a dog in the plans is still another. A person does not wait for: D: D. I've finished

present for Kigabet . I'll show it only after Kigabet will receive it, so I would not spoil the surprise:):). I only need to buy frame, Which I'm missing. Stiching
I've started a puppy, there is another one Also in plans. Someone is waiting for them: D.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kerastase 'pflanzliches Keratin'

Kigabet / Thanks to Kigabet. Thanks to

I'd really like to thank you for the Kigabet a beautiful gift: D: D. Page amazed me, fish is my zodiac sign: D: D i like them very much: D: D. Cover the book is pretty, picture does not show the beauty, beautiful even as a small word. Kigabet know what gets me, but I do not know how it will look like in my performance. Not much left for me to do, I can not wait to see the final result and reaction Kigabet: D: D. Thank you very much with all my heart.

I would like to thanks to Kigabet from for a beautiful gift: D: D. The card has amazed me, my zodiac sign is pisces: D: D and I like them very much: D: D. Notebook cover is very pretty, picture Does not show all of its beauty, beautiful it's even not enough said. Kigabet know what she will receive, but she does not know how it would look made by me. I have not got too much is made now, and I can not wait to finish and how would Kigabet React: D: D. Thank you very much from all of my heart.

Kolestint Coloración

Agagalas / Thanks to Agagalas.

I'd love to thank the Agagalas wonderful gifts for that I got from it. Everything I need it and I'm very pleased. Thank you very much with all my heart. For me hard to get some things, and here a surprise:):). I also prepare a surprise: D: D.

I would like to thank very much the Agagalas from for wonderful presents I have received from her. I would use all of this and I'm very glad. Thank you from all of my heart. It's hard to get some of this things at my place - and this is dry a surprise. Also I will prepare a surprise: D: D.

Wedding Welcome Baskets

cat to Magda 2 / Cat for Magda second Embroidered

Wyszyński another cat from a series of Britta Kitties:):) . Both Pictures Magda get from Santa Claus: D: D. Soon it will show what I'm currently working on: D: D. I've stitched

Britta Kitties another cat:):). Magda will get Both of Them from Santa Clause: D: D. Soon I'll show what I'm working on now.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Names Of Interior Car Parts

Secret Pal.

was invited to play with embroidered Secret Pal by Iza and I accepted the invitation:):). The idea is to randomly selected person to make a gift. Very cool idea, it may be interesting:):). There is still some time, but not much, you can save up to 15 November. I encourage and invite you. More information here.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wishing Well Baby Sayings

Cards, Paper / Cards from paper. Small

What Does Itchy Ears Mean Myth

hafciki / Little stitch.