Thursday, May 20, 2010

Template For Ga Drivers License

I can not sleep ...

Does this mean that the session seems to be on autopilot?
Krakow. Magic city.
He never seen a sunset here. And yet here we had to book a whole day lecture and workshop on ethics. Well, nothing but shoot himself in the head ... In general, it would still be the video report from the hostel to me, but as usual the internet on strike and promises to write this film after ... 6000 hours. So I will give peace se ... Well, let's get back to this day. First breakfast. Decent. After the inaugural lecture at 10.00 Contemporary ethics and its problems. Rupture and / or continuity already seen how rotten some old, hard of hearing in one ear will harp on about trivialities, and a supposedly clever assertions, hypotheses, antytezach, dentures, if it was God knows what. But fortunately, he was a young professor, who led a lecture materially and concretely. My most important notes of the lecture is: "Abortion-conflict or compromise"
"Benches are crooked"

"I can not sleep because the banks are crooked"

"I can not sleep because I do not sympathize with neoplatonikami"

"What am I, Devil In doing? "

"-I can not sleep ...


"I can not sleep because I'm looking for a point in common"

on the additions of Matthew, "I can not sleep because I sympathize with platonizujacymi good shots ..."

got notebooks! xD and teczuszki:) Then she came in a purple-flowered rubber boots tells a tale of Antigone. Well, here notati formed primarily at GG version or on a sheet on which the write down their notes together with Matthew and Ela:

"I can not sleep because Antigone refuting the reality ... and it is her job"

"I do not know what she says ... but he has awesome boots ^ _ ^ '"

"doing is interpreted ... no-interpretation done"

"I can not sleep, because although the act of Antigone discovered, he was stripped, as the most visible act!"

"You probably do not sleep at all! There are so many ethical problems to figure out! And then from lack of sleep you are not able to think"

"Antigone does not fit-me too ..."

"I can not sleep because I'm waiting for prints"

"I can not sleep because pfff ..."

"We are deprived of a living language course"

"I can not sleep, because ethics is not a choice"

Ela K *********, human space interpretation "

"novus-right blah blah blah blah"

Next workshops were not as fruitful. On the ethics of anthropological studies, sociological and is only worth your attention:

"if the case would be merged, it's like to have joined"

Ethics in historical research in general has not been fruitful.

Here's my second index ... szpan not it? xD

got indexes. Full grazing! Sam I would have this printed and listed and would be even nicer. But what ... may be at such an extreme minimalist style ... ...

And that's enough! Something I feel that there may be interesting;)